KaiVac® 2750
KaiVac® 2750 No-Touch Cleaning Equipment
When it comes to restroom cleaning equipment, nothing beats the spray-and-vac cleaning power of Kaivac’s No-Touch Cleaning equipment. The large capacity KaiVac 2750 is perfect for high volume restrooms that have 25 or more fixtures, like stadiums, entertainment venues and airports.
Achieving consistently great cleaning results is easy with this patented system. Simply apply an automatically diluted cleaning solution to fixtures and floors in a low pressure fan spray, and then blast surfaces and floors with always-fresh, clean water. The built-in power of the indoor pressure washer flushes soils out of grout lines and tight places that mops can’t reach. Finally, just vacuum the floor dry – completely removing soils, moisture and contaminants from all surfaces, grout lines and crevices, leaving the floor virtually dry and soil free.
The largest in the No-Touch Cleaning equipment family, the KaiVac 2750 is perfect for big facilities with high capacity needs. It features a 27 gallon fresh water tank, 500 PSI pump, powerful extended-life wet vacuum and the industry’s longest spray line and vacuum hose. Learn more about restroom cleaning from Kaivac.
Optional Lithium-ion Power Pack provides high-performance cordless cleaning.
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