
Kaivac Innovation

Since its inception, Kaivac has invested in the development and delivery of a variety of innovations designed to change the way people clean. The list below includes the various Kaivac products or methods that are either protected by patents, have pending patent applications, or both. These patents, and all of our intellectual property, are valuable corporate assets. However, Kaivac has licensed our technology to certain organizations and is open to such arrangements.


The products or methods below are protected by one or more of the following patent numbers: 6,089,499, 6,206,980, 6,283,170, 6,431,217, 6,647,585, 6,789,552, 7,270,251, 7,272,869, 7,316,049, 7,490,745, 7,717,354, 7,878,378, 8,544,141, 8,800,094, 9,854,955, 10,368,710, 10,786,131, 10,959,592, 11,000,884 and/or one or more pending patent applications.

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